Student Services
Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons (CLICC)

The Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons (CLICC)offers technology and support for UCLA students, faculty, and staff. CLICC provides services such as laptop lending, printing, study room reservations, projector loans, computer stations, and a wide variety of instructional software.
Checkout laptops using your Bruincard at 7 different locations around campus! For FREE.
Campus Safety

UCLA has established a comprehensive safety and security program including police, fire, and medical units; a campus escort service available from dusk until 1:00 a.m. and an evening van service.
The Evening Van Service provides a safe means of transportation around campus during the evening hours. The vans provide transportation between campus buildings, on-campus housing and nearby residential areas. The service is free of charge and available to all UCLA students, staff, faculty and visitors. For added safety, the vans are driven by Community Service Officers (CSOs) who carry two-way radios, providing a direct link to the UCLA Police Department.
CSO escorts are available free of charge to walk with students, faculty, staff or visitors 365 days a year from dusk until 1 a.m. between campus buildings, local living areas or Westwood Village within the approximate boundaries of Sunset Boulevard to the north, Hilgard to the east, Wilshire to the South, and Veteran to the west.
Career Center
The Career Center is an incredible resource for transfers! They offer career development services for students including career counseling, events and workshops, jobs and internship search, and graduate and professional school preparation services.
- Make sure to take advantage of their one-on-one career counseling appointments, Bruinview the online job search and networking tool available to you as a student for free, and the thorough career guide that the UCLA Career Center prints each year.
- Location: 501 Westwood Plaza, Strathmore Building, North Entrance, 2nd & 3rd Floors
- Phone: 310-206-1915
Center for Community Learning
In collaboration with campus academic departments, the Center for Community Learning offers UCLA undergraduates the opportunity to participate in civic engagement through a variety of structured, rigorous academic courses that link theory with practice.
They offer internship courses, a Civic Engagement and a Disabilities Minor, as well as a number of other learning courses and programs.
Location: A265 Murphy Hall
Phone: 310-825-7867
Email: appointment only)
Community Programs Office (CPO)

CPO provides student-initiated, student-run outreach, service and retention programs that focuses on giving back to historically marginalized communities by engaging, educating, and empowering students. Resources available include programs through:
- Service: Community Programs Office Student Association (CPOSA)
- Retention: Campus Retention Committee (CRC) and Student Retention Center (SRC)
- Access/Outreach: Student Initiated Outreach Center (SIOC)
- Risk Management: Student Risk Education Committee (SREC)
Location: Student Activities Center, Suite 105
Phone: 310-825-5969
Dean of Students

The Dean of Students Office oversees most Honors societies at UCLA. They are a good point of contact if you should have any concerns or issues as a student at UCLA especially when it comes to campus climate, academic integrity, and other rights and regulations.
LGBT Resource Center

The UCLA Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Campus Resource Center is the crossroads of the LGBTQ community at UCLA, providing a comprehensive range of education and advocacy services supporting intersectional identity development. They foster an open, safe and inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, transgender, queer, asexual, questioning, and same-gender-loving students, faculty, staff, alumni, their families, and the entire campus community. Connect with them on Facebook!
Location: Student Activities Center, B36
Phone: 310-206-3628
Center for Accessible Education (CAE)
CAE provides accommodations to students with permanent or temporary disabilities and most chronic medical conditions.
Services include: research assistance, in class note taking, adaptive equipment for the classroom, mobility assistance, and much more. If you are not sure if you have a disability, please contact the CAE.
Main Location: Murphy Hall A255 Phone: (310) 825-1501
Proctoring Center Location: A242 Murphy Hall, (310) 825-2651
Registrar: Important Dates and Deadlines
The Registrar’s Office website offers a number of sources of information. The quarterly Schedule of Classes, General Catalog of course descriptions, and lists all important dates and deadlines can be found here. This is also where you will go for course registration dates, financial aid dates, deadlines to add/drop classes, information on changing grading type, and all other important deadlines to keep in mind for the quarter and for the entire year. The Registrar's Office is open from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays)
Some services are available online, by telephone, or in person. See the Registrar's Services Directory in the current Schedule of Classes for services that may be available through these media.
Location: 1113 Murphy Hall
Phone: (310) 825-1091
Residential Life
Residential Life is responsible for creating safe, supportive, and inclusive living-learning communities for students living on-campus. They offer resources like academic support resources and specialized programming.
Location: 205 Bradley Hall
Phone: 310-825-3401
Student Organizations, Leadership, and Engagement (SOLE)

SOLE advises about 1000 campus organizations. Services include registration of new and continuing organizations, programming assistance, organization development, fundraising approval and guidelines, funding proposal consultation, and advisement on rules and regulations. The Main Office also approves time, place, and manner for the campus activities of registered organizations.
With so many groups on campus, there is a good chance there is one with your interest and liking. Search all the groups and organizations on campus.
Location: Kerckhoff Hall 105
Phone: (310) 825-7041
The Undergraduate Students Association (USAC)

USAC is a student governing body made up of fourteen student officers and commissioners that are elected by members of the Undergraduate Students Association.
Elections are held every year in the spring. There are many leadership, job, and internship opportunities through USAC that transfers should certainly get involved in if they are interested in the politics and policy of student government.
Test Bank at CPO

Print out past graded exams that were given by your current professors at the CPO Test Bank. The service is free to enrolled students.
*To continue using the resource after your first quarter you must bring a graded exam in exchange for more past tests.
Location: Student Activities Center, room 105
Phone: 310-825-5969
UCLA Office of Ombuds Services (Mediation and Dispute Resolution Services)

The Office of Ombuds Services is a place where members of the UCLA community (students, faculty, staff, and administration) can go for assistance in resolving conflicts, disputes, or complaints on an informal basis.Acting as neutrals and committed to confidentiality, the Ombudspersons may gather information on complaints, clarify issues, expedite processes or, when appropriate, initiate mediation.
Location: Strathmore Building, Suite 105
Phone: (310) 825-7627
UCLA Volunteer Center
The Volunteer Center promotes civic engagement to UCLA students through the integration of teaching, research and service alongside community partners.
Programs offered through the UCLA Volunteer Center include UCLA Volunteer Day (an incredible opportunity every fall quarter to participate in a service event in the Los Angeles community with thousands of other Bruins), One Bus, One Cause events (join a bus full of UCLA students and volunteer for the day in areas that have need), Operation Gratitude (a yearlong letter writing project in which volunteers write hand-written letters to US military service members around the world), and so much more!
Location: 10920 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1500, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone: 310-983-3525